// JSON Expression Syntax (JES)
import { get as _get, set as _set, isInteger } from '@kitmi/utils';
import _isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty';
import _reduce from 'lodash/reduce';
import _map from 'lodash/map';
import _mapValues from 'lodash/mapValues';
import { initContext, getChildContext } from './config';
import { isOperator } from './utils';
import ops from './transformerOperators';
export const processExprLikeValue = (exprLikeValue, context) =>
typeof exprLikeValue === 'object' && exprLikeValue?.$expr !== undefined
? transform(undefined, exprLikeValue.$expr, context)
: exprLikeValue;
export const processExprLikeValueWithLeft = (left, exprLikeValue, context) =>
typeof exprLikeValue === 'object' && exprLikeValue?.$expr !== undefined
? transform(left, exprLikeValue.$expr, context)
: exprLikeValue;
const PFX_MAP = '|>'; // map
const PFX_REDUCE = '|+'; // reduce 1. intermediate = result op [key, value] 2. result = result op intermediate
* Apply a bianry operator to a value
* @param {*} value
* @param {*} op
* @param {*} opValue
* @param {*} context
* @returns {*}
function applyBinaryOperator(value, op, opValue, context) {
const handler = context.config.getTransformer(op);
if (!handler) {
throw new Error(context.config.messages.INVALID_TRANSFORMER_HANDLER(op));
return handler(value, opValue, context);
* Apply an unary operator to a value
* @param {*} value
* @param {*} tag
* @param {*} context
* @returns {*}
function applyUnaryOperator(value, tag, context) {
const handler = context.config.getTransformer(tag);
if (!handler) {
throw new Error(context.config.messages.INVALID_TRANSFORMER_HANDLER(tag));
return handler(value, context);
* Apply an operator to a value with operator meta
* @param {*} currentValue
* @param {*} rightValue
* @param {*} opMeta
* @param {*} context
* @returns {*}
function applyOperator(currentValue, rightValue, [op, isUnary], context) {
if (isUnary) {
return applyUnaryOperator(currentValue, op, context);
return applyBinaryOperator(currentValue, op, rightValue, context);
* Apply an collection iteration operator with operator meta
* @param {*} currentValue
* @param {*} collectionOp
* @param {*} opMeta
* @param {*} expectedFieldValue
* @param {*} context
* @returns {*}
function transformCollection(currentValue, collectionOp, opMeta, expectedFieldValue, context) {
const isUnary = opMeta[1];
switch (collectionOp) {
case PFX_MAP:
return (Array.isArray(currentValue) ? _map : _mapValues)(currentValue, (item, key) =>
applyOperator(item, expectedFieldValue, opMeta, getChildContext(context, currentValue, key, item))
if (!Array.isArray(expectedFieldValue) || (isUnary && expectedFieldValue.length !== 1)) {
throw new Error(
context.config.messages.INVALID_COLLECTION_OP_EXPR(ops.REDUCE, opMeta[0], expectedFieldValue)
return _reduce(
(result, item, key) =>
getChildContext(context, currentValue, key, item)
throw new Error(context.config.messages.INVALID_COLLECTION_OP(collectionOp));
* If $ operator used, only one a time is allowed
* e.g.
* {
* $groupBy: 'key'
* }
* @param {*} currentValue
* @param {*} jsx
* @param {*} context
* @param {boolean} replaceLeft - Whether the expression will replace the left value chain, like a setOp
* @return {*}
function transform(currentValue, jsx, context, replaceLeft) {
// Null jsx means
// - no change if replaceLeft is false
// - undefined if replaceLeft is true
if (jsx == null) {
return replaceLeft ? jsx : currentValue;
context = initContext(context, currentValue);
if (Array.isArray(jsx)) {
if (replaceLeft) {
return jsx.map((item) => transform(undefined, item, context, true));
return jsx.reduce((result, exprItem) => transform(result, exprItem, context), currentValue);
const typeExpr = typeof jsx;
if (typeExpr === 'boolean') {
if (replaceLeft) {
return jsx;
return jsx ? currentValue : undefined;
if (typeExpr === 'number' || typeExpr === 'bigint') {
if (replaceLeft) {
return jsx;
if (isInteger(jsx) && Array.isArray(currentValue)) {
return currentValue[jsx];
throw new Error(context.config.messages.SYNTAX_NUMBER_AS_EXPR);
if (typeExpr === 'string') {
if (replaceLeft) {
return jsx;
if (isOperator(jsx)) {
const posDot = jsx.indexOf('.');
if (posDot !== -1) {
const arrayOp = [jsx.substring(0, posDot), jsx.substring(posDot + 1)];
if (context.config.getTransformerTagAndType(arrayOp[0]) != null) {
return transform(currentValue, [arrayOp[0], { $valueOf: arrayOp[1] }], context);
const opMeta = context.config.getTransformerTagAndType(jsx);
if (!opMeta) {
throw new Error(context.config.messages.INVALID_TRANSFORMER_OP(jsx));
if (!opMeta[1]) {
return applyBinaryOperator(currentValue, opMeta[0], null, context);
return applyUnaryOperator(currentValue, opMeta[0], context);
if (currentValue != null && typeof currentValue !== 'object') {
throw new Error(context.config.messages.SYNTAX_INVALID_EXPR(jsx));
return _get(currentValue, jsx);
if (typeExpr !== 'object') {
throw new Error(context.config.messages.SYNTAX_INVALID_EXPR(jsx));
if (replaceLeft) {
jsx = processExprLikeValue(jsx, context);
return _mapValues(jsx, (item) => transform(undefined, item, context, true));
let result,
hasOperator = false;
for (let fieldName in jsx) {
let expectedFieldValue = jsx[fieldName];
const l = fieldName.length;
if (l > 1) {
if (fieldName[0] === '$') {
if (result) {
throw new Error(context.config.messages.SYNTAX_OP_NOT_ALONE);
const opMeta = context.config.getTransformerTagAndType(fieldName);
if (!opMeta) {
throw new Error(context.config.messages.INVALID_TRANSFORMER_OP(fieldName));
if (hasOperator) {
throw new Error(context.config.messages.SYNTAX_OP_NOT_ALONE);
result = applyOperator(currentValue, expectedFieldValue, opMeta, context);
hasOperator = true;
if (l > 3 && fieldName[0] === '|' && fieldName[2] === '$') {
if (result) {
throw new Error(context.config.messages.SYNTAX_OP_NOT_ALONE);
const collectionOp = fieldName.substring(0, 2);
fieldName = fieldName.substring(2);
const opMeta = context.config.getTransformerTagAndType(fieldName);
if (!opMeta) {
throw new Error(context.config.messages.INVALID_TRANSFORMER_OP(fieldName));
if (hasOperator) {
throw new Error(context.config.messages.SYNTAX_OP_NOT_ALONE);
result = transformCollection(currentValue, collectionOp, opMeta, expectedFieldValue, context);
hasOperator = true;
if (hasOperator) {
throw new Error(context.config.messages.SYNTAX_OP_NOT_ALONE);
let complexKey = fieldName.indexOf('.') !== -1;
//pick a field and then apply manipulation
let actualFieldValue =
currentValue != null ? (complexKey ? _get(currentValue, fieldName) : currentValue[fieldName]) : undefined;
const childFieldValue = transform(
getChildContext(context, currentValue, fieldName, actualFieldValue)
if (typeof childFieldValue !== 'undefined') {
result == null && (result = {});
if (complexKey) {
_set(result, fieldName, childFieldValue);
} else {
result[fieldName] = childFieldValue;
return result;
export default transform;