
JSON Expression Syntax


To install @kitmi/jsonx, run the following command:

bun install @kitmi/jsonx

Or if you're using npm:

npm install @kitmi/jsonx


  • Each jsx object can only has one $operator at a level


  • $size
Jsx.evaluate([1, 2, 3], '$size'); // 3
  • $sum
Jsx.evaluate([1, 2, 3], '$sum'); // 1+2+3 = 6
  • $type
Jsx.evaluate([1, 2, 3], '$type'); // array
  • $findIndex, $findKey
Jsx.evaluate([1, 2, 3], { $findIndex: { $eq: 2 } }); // 1
        key1: 10,
        key2: 20,
        key3: 30,
    { $findKey: { $eq: 20 } }
); // 'key2'

// from index
Jsx.evaluate([1, 2, 2], { $findIndex: [{ $eq: 2 }, 2] }); // 2
  • $find
Jsx.evaluate([1, 3, 2], { $find: { $and: [{ $gt: 1 }, { $lt: 3 }] } }); // 2
        key1: 10,
        key2: 20,
        key3: 30,
    { $find: { $gt: 15 } }
); // 20

// from expr as index
        key1: 1,
        key2: 3,
        key3: 4,

        startFrom: 2,
    { $find: [{ $gt: 1 }, { $expr: '$root.startFrom' }] }
); // 4
  • $if
let obj = {
    key1: 1.11,

// $if: [ <condition-jsx>, <then-jsx>, <else-jsx> ]
Jsx.evaluate(obj, {
    $if: [{ $match: { key1: { $gt: 1 } } }, { $value: 'positive' }, { $value: 'non-positive' }],

Jsx.evaluate(obj, {
    $if: [{ $match: { key1: { $gt: 2 } } }, { $value: 'positive' }, { $value: 'non-positive' }],
  • $castArray

  • $add | $+, $sub | $-, $mul | $*, $div | $/, $mod | $%, $pow | $^

Jsx.evaluate(10, { $mul: { $expr: [{ $value: 10 }, { $add: 5 }] } }); // 150
Jsx.evaluate(10, { $mul: 15 }); // 150
  • $keys, $values, $pairs, $filterNull

  • $toArray

Jsx.evaluate({ key: 'value' }, '$toArray'); // [{ name: 'key', value: 'value' }]
Jsx.evaluate({ key: 'value' }, { $toArray: { myKey: '$key', myValue: '$this' } }); // [{ myKey: 'key', myValue: 'value' }]
  • $pick, $omit, $group, $sort, $reverse

  • $concat, $join, $merge

  • $filter, $remap

  • $set | $value

  • $addItem | $append

Jsx.evaluate([1, 2, 3], { $append: 4 }); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
Jsx.evaluate({ key1: 1 }, { $append: ['key2', 2] }); // { key1: 1, key2: 2 }
  • $assign
Jsx.evaluate({ key1: 1 }, { $assign: { key2: 2 } }); // { key1: 1, key2: 2 }
        key1: 1,
        key2: 2,
        $assign: {
            key2: {
                $expr: {
                    $mul: 10,
); // { key1: 1, key2: 20 }

Wrong usage

// If you want to check if key1 is greater than 2, below usage is wrong
// The first element will return { key1: false } which is treated as true, it will throw an error to avoid mistaken usage
        key1: 1.5,
        $if: [{ key1: { $match: { $gt: 2 } } }, { $value: 'positive' }, { $value: 'non-positive' }],

// Correct usage should be
        key1: 1.5,
        $if: [{ $match: { key1: { $gt: 2 } } }, { $value: 'positive' }, { $value: 'non-positive' }],


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  • Copyright (c) 2023 KITMI PTY LTD