Unit Test Utility
is a JavaScript unit test utility with api code coverage, async dump for tracking async leak.
- [x] Support coverage test of @kitmi/jacaranda applicaiton
- [x] Support allure report
- [x] Support async dump for debugging application hanging issue caused by pending async event
- [x] Support @kitmi/jacaranda worker
- [x] Support authencation protected api test
- [x] Support JSON Validation Syntax
- [x] Support configurable test case on/off switches
- [x] Support profiling
- [x] Support benchmark
- [x] Support test step and progress record
- Support job pipeline for long-run test
gobal object jacat
, or can also be imported by
import { jacat } from '@kitmi/tester';
: start a server with options specified by serverName in the test config -
startWorker_(name?, async app => {/* test to run */}, options)
: start a worker -
withClient_(serverName?, authentication, async (client, server) => {/* test to run */}, options?)
: // start a worker and create a http client -
benchmark_(mapOfMethods, verifier, payload)
: // run benchmark againest several different implementions of the same purposes -
profile_(name, async () => { //test })
: // run profiling againest a test function -
step_(name, fn)
: // test step -
param(name, value)
: // record param used in a test into test report -
attach(name, value)
: // attach object produced during a test into test report
1. add .mocharc.js
to the project root
require('@swc-node/register'); // for esmodule and commonjs hybid mode
require('@kitmi/utils/testRegister'); // adding should and expect dialects for chai
module.exports = {
timeout: 300000,
require: ['@kitmi/tester'], // for bootstrapping tester
reporter: 'mocha-multi', // for combining console reporter and allure reporter
reporterOptions: 'mocha-multi=test/mocha-multi-reporters.json', // as above
2. add test/mocha-multi-reporters.json
"spec": {
"stdout": "-",
"options": {
"verbose": true
"allure-mocha": {
"stdout": "-",
"options": {
"resultsDir": "./allure-results"
3. add test/test.config.json
"skip": {
"suites": {}
"enableAsyncDump": false,
"enableAllure": true,
"servers": {
"server1": {
"configPath": "test/conf",
"controllersPath": "test/actions",
"sourcePath": "./",
"logLevel": "info"
"workers": {
"tester": {
"configName": "test",
"configPath": "test/conf"
"authentications": {
"client1": {
"loginType": "password",
"accessType": "jwt",
"loginOptions": {
"endpoint": "/login",
"username": "user",
"password": "pass"
4. write test cases
More examples refers to test/*.spec.js
describe('test1', function () {
it('should pass1', function () {
it('should pass2', function () {
jacat.attach('test2 result', {
key: 'tesst',
key2: 'tesst',
key3: 'tesst',
it('should pass async', async function () {
await jacat.step_('step1', async () => {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
5. run test cases
mocha --recursive test/**/*.spec.js
6. generate test report
allure generate allure-results --clean -o allure-report && serve ./allure-report
7. run code coverage test and report
nyc --reporter=html --reporter=text mocha --recursive test/**/*.spec.js && open ./coverage/index.html
API test
- loginType
- password
- accessType
- jwt
"authentications": {
"client1": {
"loginType": "password",
"accessType": "jwt",
"loginOptions": {
"endpoint": "/login",
"username": "user",
"password": "pass"
it('/test/protected ok', async function () {
await jacat.withClient_('server1', 'client1', async (client, server) => {
const res = await client.get('/test/protected');
expect(res).to.deep.equal({ status: 'ok' });
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2023 KITMI PTY LTD