
JavaScript Utility Library

@kitmi/utils is a JavaScript utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, and extra features. It's built on top of lodash, providing a suppliment of functions for manipulating text, URLs, arrays, objects, and names.


  • _: universal lodash
  • lang: sleep_, waitUntil_, pipeAsync_, Box, fxargs, type checks, ...
  • array: arrayToCsv, arrayToObject, zipAndFlat, immutable operations, ...
  • object: objectToArray, pushIntoBucket, remap, keyAt, ...
  • collection: findKey, batchAsync_, eachAsync_, async collection operations, ...
  • string
    • common text processing: quote, unquote, unwrap, ...
    • naming: camelCase, kebabCase, pascalCase, snakeCase
    • url: join, appendQuery, objectToQueryString, queryStringToObject


To install @kitmi/utils, run the following command:

bun install @kitmi/utils

Or if you're using npm:

npm install @kitmi/utils


  • MIT
  • Copyright (c) 2023 KITMI PTY LTD

Test helper (not exposed in index)

test register for adding missing should assertion helpers into chai

Add below lines in .mocharc.js after @babel/register or @swc-node/register



(() => {}).should.throw(...);

some difference between should and chai

// left: should, right: chai
should.be.true() => should.be.true
should.be.false() => should.be.false
should.be.ok() => should.be.ok